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Register For Tryouts

If you would like to register for one of our team tryouts, please click here to register now.

Player Credentials

If you are a student-athlete please enter your details below to register for team tryouts, camps, teams & training sessions. After your registration is complete, you can also pay online for team tryouts and fees.

If you are already registered, click here to login to your account.

Welcome to Union Elite’s Player Registration

To register enter your credentials below to create your account.


Player Credentials


Player Details


Parent / Guardian Emergency Contact, Permissions & Liability Details


Parental Permission For Emergency Treatment

Parental Permission For Emergency Treatment Parental Permission For Emergency Treatment In the event of illness or accident, I give my permission for emergency treatment by qualified medical personnel for my child, and I authorize the person in charge to take my child to the nearest hospital or certified medical facility.   I give consent for the facility to secure any and all necessary emergency medical care for my child. Select Yes or No Below.


Parental Permission For Media Release

I, hereby grant permission to, Union Elite Basketball Canada, to reproduce any portion of “media”, photos, videos, and images that have been taken for my child for the purpose of PROMOTIONAL Publications. PROMOTIONAL Publications can include but are not limited to Union Elite Basketball Canada, media, social media postings, website ads, email ad campaigns, posters, flyers, photos, videos, and any form of media, without any compensation or recognition given to my child and their family. Furthermore, I grant creative permission to alter any media). I do not grant permission to resale or use the media in a manner that would exploit or cause malicious representation toward me or my child and their family.   I give permission to Union Elite Basketball Canada for Media Release. Select Yes or No Below.


Release of Liability

Although the safety of all sports activities is our primary concern, indoor basketball activities at any Union Elite Basketball Academies facility may cause injuries and/or death. I expressly assume the risk of injury, death, and/or illness arising from any cause, and agree to waive the right to pursue any claim against the Union Elite Basketball Academy and its Coaches, managers, support staff, administration, facility staff, or any persons in charge.

* I have read and agree to the above conditions. Select Yes or No Below.

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